Race: Draenei
Gender: Female
Age: 700+
Class: Shaman
Faction: Neutral, Horde
Birthplace: The Genedar
Residence: Nagrand (Outlands)
Orientation: Heterosexual
Sexual Role: Switch
Likes: Restoration, Hunting, The Elements
Dislikes: Orcs, Demons
Relationships: "Orc Master"
Stalwart in mind and in body. Nellie has inherited the unique brand of wisdom that comes with connection to the elements, and the durability to face aversion when it arises. Leaving her like water and earth, a calm and nurturing soul to those whom earn her kindness. But unyielding as granite and relentless as a typhoon when threatened by foes.
An adult Draenei woman with a dusky-violet skin-tone. Her white hair is kept wild, with some portions in ornate tribal braids. Her horns which swoop backward over her head, are kept adorned with rings near their midsections. As well as her ears in various locations, one of which possesses small feathers. She has a fairly fit build, due to her long years surviving in Nagrand’s mountains. Though retains scars from encounters, both from Orcs and other life that form the savagery of Nagrand. The most noticeable being a scar upon her right brow and left cheek.
Born upon the Naaru ship, the Genedar, as it hurtled through the twisting nether and the great dark that filled the void between worlds. Nellethia was in adolescence when her people crash-landed upon Draenor’s surface. As the refugees of Argus began to make this world their home and expand far beyond the borders of Nagrand. Nellethia remained among the others who would settle and build a village, named Telaar. Nestled amongst a river valley in Nagrand’s southern mountains. Life was idyllic as she grew from youth into an adult and despite being neighbors with the savage Warsong Clan and the mighty Burning Blade Clan Orcs. The two seemed more interested in skirmishing with their ancient enemy, the Ogres. Than trouble the strangers beyond the stars, at least for a time.
In the darker hours of Draenei history on Draenor. Orcish raiding parties began to strike settlements across Draenor. Slaying, pillaging and taking many hostage as slaves of various means. Such was the fate of many, including Nellethia. Whom soon found herself enslaved, and upon the block to be sold to whomever wished to use the exotic beauty from beyond the stars for whatever means came to mind. Her fortune however, was that the Orc whom bought her, held but a scrap more empathy within him than his more savage kin. He kept her captive, but was not a cruel master. Attempting to gain his slaves trust through acts of kindness, consistent food and other acts to form a bond between the two.
His intentions eventually revealed, and his belief of a potential within her to speak with the elements of Draenor as the Orcs had long ago before turning to the darker magics that now bound the horde. Teaching her, slowly at first, Shamanism. Before taking her to the Throne of the Elements himself, and beseeching the Elemental Furies blessing that she continue this path, and that upon her cry for aid that the elements would heed her call.
As the time came when the Orcish horde opened the Dark Portal. Her master went into hiding, taking her with him, into the mountains of Nagrand. Staying in seclusion and committing to Shamanism, unlike his brethren whom had taken to the Fel and allowed corruption to seal their fates. There they remained, undisturbed and secluded. Until the day the Dark Portal stirred once more, and the heroes of Azeroth came forward and with them, the Draenei whom had escaped Outland upon the Exodar.