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Race: Draenei

Gender: Female

Age: 15'000+

Class: Paladin, Vindicator

Faction: Alliance, The Draenei

Birthplace: Argus

Residence: The Exodar


Orientation: Bisexual

Sexual Role: Usually Dominant


Likes: Studying, The Light

Dislikes: Orcs, Demons, The Eredar, Losing

Relationships: Thylissa, Tanaaria, Alvarina


A self assured Draenei woman. Kairy refuses to be defeated, every step brimming with confidence and determination. 

Her competitive nature can almost be considered a fault, as whether it is combat or an argument, she hates to lose. One could say this stems from the determination for survival that many Draenei have after so many years trying to survive the relentless hunting of the burning legion.

She is fair in treatment, those who act with subtle hostility will receive it in turn, along with the subtle presence of xenophobic tendencies, and a level of passive aggressiveness towards the shorter lived races, such as humans, dwarves and gnomes.

However, those who are fair in the treatment of her may be treated to another aspect of her confidence and self-assurance. As she has little qualms about concealing or controlling her libido. Those she has taken a shine to, or have sparked her interest may find themselves enjoying quite a delightful treat… all night long.

An adult Draenei woman, marble skin, horns sweep straight back over her head (talbuk) with long silver hair. Golden eyes and a fair complexion. Delightfully buxom, with some muscle tone. Golden earrings in each ear, no visible scars or tattoos.

Born on Argus, Kairy grew up to become a temple guard within the grand Argussian city of Mac’Aree. A devout follower of one of the Eredar’s three leaders; The Prophet Velen. Serving with dignity within these early years of her life.


As the time of Sargeras’ offer came to the Eredar leaders, she remained loyal to Velen. Escaping Argus with the aid of the Naaru upon the Genedar. Through this moment in time she, like many others amongst them, learned from the enigmatic Naaru the gift of the light and became a Vindicator like many of her fellow Draenei.


Such gifts and devotion saw her through the darker times of Draenei history as they fled from world to world, even upon Draenor, the light and her devotion to Velen were her salvation. Following the Prophet, even to escape Draenor itself as the Orcs tore it asunder and ravaged it in their demonic bloodlust. Surviving the Blood Elf saboteurs that damaged the Exodar, forcing it to crash land on Azeroth.


She still follows, devoted and dignified in her position as one of the Exodar’s protectors, and one of the Draenei’s many beacons of light within the dark.

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